4.3 Quels outils utiliser pour créer une bande son ? Jeux vidéo, applications interactives.
Decathlon United
We are all delighted sports people who have turned our passion into our job, which is to "make sports accessible for the many"
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Heraclos, and the quest he never ever asked for
Discover Heraclos, an adventure video game made in WebGL and a final school project from Gobelins, the school of image.
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Campo alle comete - Sapori magici
La tradizione enologica si unisce ad una conoscenza approfondita del territorio, per dare vita a storie e sapori indimenticabili.
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AQuest: Digital Creative Agency
Creiamo esperienze digitali coinvolgenti grazie alla nostra esperienza, professionalità ed inventiva.
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Les journées de la schizophrénie
Découvrez «le repas de famille» une scène de vie bien ordinaire, qui pourtant, n’est pas vécue de la même façon par tous. Interagissez avec le film et partagez l’expérience bouleversante d’Antoine, atteint de schizophrénie.
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Listen to Take Control
New single from First Aperture, a DJ made using video, photo, and audio from gettyimages.
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KIN – In Theaters August 31
KIN, a pulse-pounding crime thriller with a sci-fi twist, is the story of an unexpected hero destined for greatness.
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BryBry – A small, independent... man.
The interactive portfolio of creative and designer Bryan James
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