Backing Tracks
The backing track is for jazz musicians to practice songs that are in the Vanilla Book. All backing tracks have 4 bar introductions. Piano is on left channel, bass and drums are on the right channel. Number after the title refers to the number of beats per minutes. Chords to most of the tracks are found in the Vanilla Book section. Some songs have alternate tempos. All tracks are in MP3 format. Feel free to download them. All files can be heard using Windows Media Player or Quicktime programs.
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Partitions gratuites pour saxophone
Real Book,standards du jazz,Georges Barcos,Jean-Luc Barbier,Hermeto Pascoal,musique brésilienne
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Real Book, 557 jazz standards - letter A
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Play-Along CDs for The New Real Book - Vol. 1 | Sher Music Co.
Three Play-Along CDs of tunes in The New Real Book, Vol.1, featuring world-class rhythm sections. Now on iTunes and Amazon!
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