22.6 Réaliser une composition dans le style de "Different Trains" de Steve Reich
Free Production Music by Jason Shaw
* All music in this online collection created by Jason Shaw. Released under Creative Commons License 3.0. You are free to use the music (even for commercial purposes) as long as you provide a link to this website from yours OR credit us with, "music by audionautix.com". Must be part some other created works. No further permission is required. If you need a signed release form, click link below.
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Free Music Archive
After months of uncertainty about our future, the Free Music Archive is joining KitSplit , a camera gear rental platform by and for creators. With KitSplit's support, we will stay up and running for the indefinite future - something we are very relieved to report. Though KitSplit is a for-profit business, the FMA will remain true to its mission of sharing free, curated audio to all.
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Musopen - Free sheet music, royalty free music, and public domain resources.
Musopen is a non-profit offering free access to sheet music, royalty free public domain music recordings, and other music resources.
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